Sanusi Research & Consulting


SANUSI Research and Consulting places a high premium on capacity building and is launching a mentor-protégé/mentee initiative with a dedicated focus on skills and information transfer.

NOTE: If you are accessing our website from a region outside of the African continent, we encourage you to identify your paternal/maternal country and the Regional Economic Community (REC). The only we can build is by establishing a consistent network of our human resources.

Disclaimer: By sharing this data and your email address, you give SANUSI Research and Consulting to pair you with a Mentor or Protégé/Mentee. The sole purpose of this initiative is to building capacity by exchanging ideas, and experiences in your respective fields. SANUSI Research and Consulting reserves the right to terminate participants for any inappropriate behavior or solicitation, which might cause injury or harm. Participants must be at final year of secondary (high) school and above.

Mentor Mentee Registration